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Alumni-Talk: “Not all those who wander are lost — Lessons from five years of learning and working remotely”

Das Jahr 2024 startet spannend, mit einem Vortrag von Software Campus Alumnus Philip Heltweg zu einem aktuellen Thema. Als Product Owner, Student und aktuell Doktorand an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg konnte er während der Corona-Pandemie bereits einige Erfahrungen zum Thema Remote Work sammeln. Am 31.01.2024 um 20 Uhr wird er seine Sicht teilen und freut sich auf einen regen Austausch mit allen Interessierten.

Title: “Not all those who wander are lost — Lessons from five years of learning and working remotely”

Abstract: After COVID, many knowledge workers have some experience with remote work. With more and more jobs going back to pre-pandemic setups, it is a good time to look back and reflect on what worked, what did not work and which best-practices support remote working  while mitigating its downsides. How can we efficiently work remotely in industry? Are there any differences we need to pay attention to when working as a freelancer? And does remote work have a place in academia going forward? Join me presenting my experiences, mistakes, and learnings from working remotely for the last five years in various roles, from industry, over freelancing to academia. Among other things, I will share personal insights about good office setups, efficient ways to initiate and continue collaborative work remotely and how to turn remote work into an opportunity. Ideally, bring your own experiences and questions from remote work during the pandemic and join the discussion.

CV: Philip Heltweg is a doctoral student at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, working on making open data safe and easy to use. In his Software Campus project, he explores how domain experts can be included in collaborative data engineering with his industry partner, Springer Nature. Before returning to academia for his doctoral studies, he worked as a software engineer and product owner for the largest esports company in the world, EFG. Later, he offered software engineering and consulting services with his own company. Since 2018, he has been working remotely, first in industry, later as part of his freelancing work and while completing his master’s degree during COVID. (Personal Website)

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