Kurz nach dem letzten Beitrag folgt bereits das nächste Highlight in unserer Vortragsreihe: Am 25.04. um 20 Uhr wird uns Gründungsmitglied Ben Hermann näherbringen, welchen Stellenwert der offenen Austausch von Code und Daten für die Wissenschaft hat, und welche Vorteile dies auch für die industrielle Forschung bieten kann.
Title: “Sorry but that’s under IP” — How an improved sharing culture could propel research and industry alike
Abstract: While large language models and AI-powered art generators make the headlines, the silent revolution in computer science was not televised. Generally speaking, academia only considers research results as valid in a context if they can be reproduced or replicated in multiple independent studies in that context. For more than 10 years now scientific publications in computer science are accompanied with a research artifact – a public package including all data and tools to rerun the original experiments. This helps to reproduce, replicate, or just to study this experiment – but, furthermore, it reaches out to industry and enables transfer in a speed unprecedented. Sadly, industry researchers oftentimes do not openly share their results with a (partially understandable) reference to IP rights protection. This makes research artifact sharing a one-way street at the moment. In this talk, I will convince you that IP protection, industry research, and a sharing culture do NOT need to be at odds. Take this talk to your manager and participate in an open sharing of ideas and prototypes!
CV: Ben Hermann is professor for secure software engineering at TU Dortmund. He did his doctoral thesis at TU Darmstadt on analyzing and improving the security of the Java platform. During this time he also enjoyed Softwarecampus funding for his project PEAKS. After a PostDoc and interim professorship in Paderborn, he joined the TU Dortmund in October 2020. His current research topics include software ecosystem security, static program analysis, and research quality and reproducibility in computer science.
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