Peter Marshall ist DevRel practitioner and leader.
Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss seines Bachelors in Theologie und Informatik setzte Peter seine Ausbildung bei inspirierenden Mentoren fort. Dabei lernte er, was es bedeutet, sich wirklich auf den Kunden zu konzentrieren, sei es im Helpdesk, bei der Leitung eines Entwicklungsteams oder bei der Bereitstellung anspruchsvoller Infrastrukturdienste.
Titel: Insights on Apache Druid
Abstract: Apache Druid is a real-time analytics database, powering interactive data
experiences in applications across the world. In this deep-dive for
technologists who are new to Druid, you’ll hear about where Druid came
from, see examples of Druid-powered applications and data pipelines, and
get the technical low-down on Druid’s architecture, data format, and
massively parallelized operations.
CV: Peter Marshall (https://www.petermarshall.io) is an award-winning speaker
who leads community developer relations at Imply (http://imply.io/) and
is a long-time contributor of videos, tutorials, and documentation on
Apache Druid. He has worked with adopters and users of Apache Druid for 5
years. He has over 20 years architecture experience and has a BA (hons)
degree in Theology and Computer Studies from the University of Birmingham.
Thema: Insights on Apache Druid
Datum: 25.06.2024
Uhrzeit: 12:00 Uhr Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
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