Anne Borcherding hat Informatik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie studiert und ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Gruppe Industrielle Cybersicherheit. Sie beschäftigt sich mit der IT-Sicherheit von industriellen Automatisierungskomponenten. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen dabei auf dem Fuzzing, Penetration Testing und Web Security.
Titel: The Voltage Awakens – Voltage-Guided Blackbox Fuzzing
Abstract: In this talk, we explore recent research that brings fuzzing—a technique traditionally used in software testing—into the realm of hardware testing. The content of the talk is based on a paper recently published at VTS, titled “Fuzz Wars: The Voltage Awakens – Voltage-Guided Blackbox Fuzzing on FPGAs”. Targeting a broader audience, such as computer scientists outside of this field, this talk clarifies the approach and process of testing hardware designs and showcases real-world results. Let’s dive into hardware testing together!
CV: Anne Borcherding> is a PhD candidate at Fraunhofer IOSB and part of the research group on Industrial Security. Her research focuses on finding vulnerabilities in components of Operational Technology, as used in production plants and petrochemical processes, as efficiently and effectively as possible. As part of this work, she specialized in blackbox fuzzing and penetration testing.
Thema: The Voltage Awakens – Voltage-Guided Blackbox Fuzzing
Datum: 28.11.2024
Uhrzeit: 12:00 Uhr Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
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