Unser nächster Alumni Vortrag steht an! Seit dem Abschluss des Software Campus arbeitet Stefan Appel in verschiedenen Rollen bei der Siemens AG und heute bei Amazon Web Services. Am 9. Juni 2021 um 20Uhr berichtet er über seine Erfahrungen zu DevOps in großen Unternehmen.
Title: Large-scale DevOps – IT Operations in Large Organizations
Abstract: With the transition to software delivered as a service (SaaS), adopting a DevOps model is a natural step in an organization’s evolution. This presents a challenge for large organizations that have a long tradition of software development. While IT operations has been the focus of outsourcing deals for many years, SaaS and the adoption of DevOps are making IT operations an integral part of the business value chain. In his presentation, Stefan will highlight challenges and best practices when implementing a DevOps model in large and globally distributed organizations with hundreds of developers. This includes software architecture, IT service management, as well as risk and security management.
CV: Stefan Appel is a global solutions architect at Amazon Web Services, where he supports customers in the healthcare and life sciences industries. Before walking the length of New Zealand, Stefan worked at Siemens AG as a software architect for a big data platform and as a product manager for an IoT platform. He received his PhD from TU Darmstadt and published on the integration of event stream processing with business process management. Stefan is an alumnus of Software Campus, where he worked with Software AG as industry partner.
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