Der nächste Vortrag aus unseren Software Campus Alumni Reihen dreht sich um die Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation in der produzierenden Industrie. Als zweite Veranstaltung in diesem Jahr, berichtet Matthias Berning am 12.07. um 20 Uhr von seinen Erfahrungen die physische und virtuelle Welt miteinander zu verbinden.
Title: Connecting Things to the Internet – The Role of Sensors and Communication in the Digital Transformation
Abstract: The digital transformation of industry and society is one of the most profound movements of the current era. But progress towards this goal is not distributed equally. IT companies have been able to adapt quickly, and consumer devices are getting replaced and upgraded according to their limited life-cycle. This organic evolution is too slow for large and distributed assets in industrial and building automation, which are operated for 30 years and more. In this talk, Matthias will present some of the challenges for this legacy infrastructure and how connected sensors can address them. New concepts for sensor integration, signal processing and networking are needed to provide the data for monitoring and optimization. In addition, Matthias will share some insights on industrial research in a company which is still on its digitalization journey.
CV: Dr. Matthias Berning is Senior Scientist and Project Manager at ABB Corporate Research in Germany. He is part of the Sensor Solutions team, and his research interests include distributed sensing and information processing in different domains, including building automation, industrial plants and electrical distribution. He started to work on wireless sensor networks during his studies at TU Kaiserslautern and continued his research in the field of pervasive computing during his PhD in the TECO research group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
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