Es folgt ein Alumni Vortrag der etwas anderen Art! Seit dem Abschluss des Software Campus arbeitete Florian Volk zunächst als PostDoc an der TU Darmstadt und befindet sich nun auf dem besten Weg zum Professor. Am 4. Oktober 2021 um 20Uhr berichtet er über seinen unerwarteten Werdegang.
Title: Careers in science, or how (not) to become a professor
Abstract: This might be a talk about career in science. Or not. What this talk really is depends quite a bit on the audience. Florian Volk is going to talk about what might happen after you finish your PhD. While most of us have a precise idea on what our career should be, things might unravel differently. Florian never wanted to become a professor, left academia after quite some time as a PostDoc and returned to academia when he realized that teaching is — in fact — a lot of fun for some scientists. And now, he’s on the best way to become what he never wanted. (There might be some refreshing stories about formalities in not becoming a professor, too.) After all, this won’t be a scientific talk. Expect something somewhere in between a field report in figuring out what kind of job makes you happy and the start of a sad self-help group. 😉
CV: Florian Volk is head of studies in computer science at the department of computer science and business informatics at Provadis School of International Management and Technology, Germany. He obtained his PhD. (Dr.-Ing.) with a thesis on “Detailing Reviews and Ratings for Trust-Enhanced Composition” at Technische Universität Darmstadt. After his defense, Florian worked as a PostDoc and research strategy coordinator for the Telecooperation Lab under Prof. Max Mühlhäuser and later became CEO of House of IT, a non-profit organization with the goal of shaping the digital transformation in Hesse, Germany. His research interests are digital transformation topics and how this transformation (re-) shapes society and technology.
Diese Veranstaltung ist leider schon vorbei, aber Florian hat netterweise die Folien zum Vortrag zur Verfügung gestellt.
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